Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Wealth Inequality in America: Perception vs. Reality [VIDEO]

This is a short video about wealth inequality in the United States. The video looks at what surveyed Americans view as an ideal distribution of our nation's wealth vs. what they think is the actual distribution. Then, the video shows the actual distribution of wealth in the United States.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Breaking the Spell

Hey All!

I wanted to share this incredible documentary. It's about a small group of anarchists from Eugene, OR who totally reshaped the course of the events at the 1999 WTO protests in Seattle, WA. It gives an incredibly intimate view at the diversity and motivations (often conflicting) of the protesters, as well as the brutality of the Seattle police.

Some of the content is pretty rough, so heads-up if that's hard for you to watch (see above mentioned police brutality).

Monday, February 10, 2014

Daily Show Segment on Fox News

Below are some videos of a recent Daily Show segement (in 3 parts/videos) that I thought related well to our discussion of the media and propaganda.

You can either just start the first video and let the other two load after it plays through (it should automatically load the next videos in the order they aired and play all three in order, if you start with the first video) but I have also posted links to all three parts below:

PART 1: "Bill O'Reilly, President Obama, and the Super Bowl Pre-Show"

PART 2: "Appetite for Distraction"

PART 3: "Appetite for Distraction - The Hawking-Oppenheimer Distraction Loop"

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Prosperity & Obamacare

This article in Slate reminds me of our 'American Society' text. It has a current view on how Obamacare correlates with prosperity. If our book had been published this year, I feel like the chapter on healthcare would sound a lot like this:

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

TED Talk Pulled from TED's Website

Venture capitalist Nick Hanauer describes job creation as "...a consequence of an eco-systemic feedback loop between customers and businesses."
Kinda reminds me of a drawing I once saw.     #